Wednesday, March 4, 2015

keep first 4 characters of email address and replace the rest with * in java code

String s = "";
int atIndex = s.indexOf("@");
String localPart = String.format("%-" + atIndex + "s", s.substring(0, 4)).replaceAll("\\s", "*");
String domainPart = s.substring(atIndex);
System.out.println(localPart + domainPart);

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Set debian to boot on shell

edit below file:
$sudo vi /etc/default/grub

1 - find the following line and comment it out:

2- find the following line:
and change it to:
if the line is not present you can  add it to the file.

3- Uncomment the following line:
if the line is not present you can  add it to the file.

4- Save the file and run:

i found it here: